October 16, 2020
08:30 – 09:00
reception of the participants (Zoom platform )
09:00 – 09:15
Opening Ceremony
09:15 – 10:00
Keynote Speaker 1 : Dr. Abbas Cheddad.
Chairs:, Dr, yousseri kassentini, Dr gattel abdeljalil
Session 1 - Chairs : Drs, Mekhaznia Tahar,. Abdallah Meraoumia
10 :00–
10 :20
Lahsaini Ilies : Convolutional Neural Network for Chest X-ray Pneumonia Detection
10 :20 –
10 :40
Hariri Walid : Efficient Graph-based Kernel using Covariance Descriptors for 3D Facial Expression Classification
10 :40 –
11 :00
Fatiha Youbi : Convolutional Neural Networks for opinion mining on Drug reviews
11 :00 –
11 :120
Ghazali Fateh : Statistical features extraction based on the discrete wavelet transform for electrical appliances identification
11 :20 –
11 :40
Siouda Roguia : A genetic algorithm-based deep RBF neural network for medical classification
Rima Guilal : Selection of prognostic features for multiple myeloma diagnosis in the region of Tlemcen, Algeria
12:00 – 13:00
Break of lunch
13:00 – 13:45
Keynote Speaker 2 : Dr. Yousri Kessentini
Chairs: Dr. Abbas Cheddad, Pr. salah chenikhar
Session 2 - Chairs : Pr, Lawar Ridha, ,Dr akram bennour
Mehenni Tahar : Multi-database Mining: A Framework for Heterogeneous Relational Databases
14 :05 –
14 :25
Chaibi Nassima: Deep Learning Approaches to Intrusion Detection:A new Performance of ANN and RNN on NSL-KDD
14 :25 –
14 :45
Talbi Mohamed Lamine : Heartbeat Classification Using ANFIS System and QRS Complex Features Extraction
14 :45 –
15 :05
Frihia Hamza : One-Class Training For Intrusion Detection
15:05 –
15 :25
Boubeguira Zeyneb : GPU-Accelerated implementation of Eigenfaces (PCA) algorithm using memory optimization
15:25 - 15:45
Lakhdar Laimeche : Combining Line & Texture Information for Multispectral Palmprint Biometrics
16 :0 5
Issam BENDIB : Isolated Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Deep CNN
16:05 – 16:15
16:15 – 16:45
Closing Ceremony and Best Paper Awards